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they make a lot of difference

My friends are God's gift to me, they NEVER told me they love me but I get one
My family is God's gift to me, whenEVER they tell me they love me i get none.

NONE is just ONE added with N
ONE is just NONE without N

NEVER is just EVER added with N
EVER is just NEVER without N

but they make alot of difference.


my friends are God's gift to me and I can feel that or know that
when I'm with them I don't remember anything but that very moment
back here at home i don't think i am that jolly as much as i am with my friends
sometimes i envy those kids who got their parents by their side all the time.. talking to them
killing time with them making fun.. laughing.. playing games..
i'd like to taste that
i love my friends and my family equally
but they unevenly give me that happiness

i have this friend, but im not gonna name her
she's got her mom and her dad all the time supporting her everytime and every corner whatsoever. when i looked at them i always wonder if that will ever happen to me
well, there are times when we get along but the chemistry between my friend and her parents are too strong to break unlike mine and my parents the smallest mistake leads to a big fight

like when i spanked my brother unintentionally.. mom or sometimes dad would slap me on my face.. and no im not kidding, im being honest and even if i would explain what happened .. i still end up being the failure or the wrong one. there was this one time too... when my little brother was playing the computer and i was watching [--and mom was also ironing the clothes cause our yaya was outta city] t.v i kinda passed by channel 34 [Nickelodeon] and my brother liked the show, he grabbed my remote and i tried to get it back he squeezed my arm so hard so i pinched him and when mom saw me she went all "ayaw ing-ana-a ang imong manghod, do you wanna get ironed" and then she slapped my lip. I'm not really surprised about the slappin action cause she does that to me all the time

i don't know what's wrong with me but when it comes to friendship chemistry. my friend's have the strongest chain :)

but i still love my family no matter what they do

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Pumpkinn Dayy


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so you guys probably know what i meant. "CHILD IN BAG".. i have a lot of thoughts inside me about child abuse waiting patiently to get out and tell the world what i think and what should be done. so i saw this video last monday it was all about a baby from london england being tortured by his stepfather... i couldnt give any more pity watching it. i really thought it was horrible and the my conclusion to it is that it was a one big human disgrace. so why do it? why do such a crime? release your anger and put it all on babies? WOW... i never thought babies or even kids nowadays are treated like rag dolls... you know what's worse? they don't survive and of course they never will! HELPLESS.POWERLESS. no..they dont have the strength yet, to fight back! and maybe to them.. existence means to get neglected..

There are some ways to help prevent children from suffering at the hands of abusers!

Talk to children about their home life. Just a simple conversation will do but we need to get back to asking "How are you?" "Is everything at home okay?" "How is your family? (mom, dad, siblings)" Any question that will let the child tell you about their life at home. Be sure to listen.

Tell children about inappropriate touches. Let them know that their body is not to be touched in any way that makes them uncomfortable or hurts and that it doesn't matter who it is; they shouldn't be touched on any private area of their body.

If you suspect child abuse or you know it's for help and do not give up until you know that child(ren) is safe!!!!

there are really more ways... :D so yeah

we should all remember that life and love are one of the best gifts from God. and once you lose it. its done.

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Baby P: Peter Connelly Story

The face of a cherub with beautiful blue eyes and blond baby curls. It hurts to look at his pictures.

Little Peter Connelly lived for a short while on earth, and while he lived he never knew safety or love or gentleness or mercy. No, he did not know about those things. For Peter, existence meant neglect, indifference, pain and violence. And what does a baby know, really? He probably thought that’s all life was.

Are babies capable of bewilderment, do you think?

Peter was too young to speak, and for as beautiful as he was, he did not hold his mother’s interest. Tracey Connelly was absorbed in other business, really, and couldn’t bother much with Peter. There was so much to do. There was sleeping, relaxing, sitting down, smoking, socializing on the internet. Languishing in her boredom. Thinking about herself.

These things take a lot of time, after all, and there’s only so many hours in a day. And then, I’m sure it must have been very stressful having Social Services watching all the time, visiting the house all the time.

And while Tracey Connelly entertained herself with her activities, Steven Barker also entertained himself.

Look at the picture to the right. Do you see the bruises?

Steven Barker threw little Peter around like a rag doll. He spun Peter around on a stool until he fell off and hit his head, and then put him back on and spun him again. He trained Peter to obey like a dog, with a snap of his fingers. And speaking of dogs, he used Peter to train the Rottweiler that lived in the house. Under that angelic blond hair, Peter had bite marks on his head; it is not known whether these marks were human or canine. That’s right: as part of training the Rottweiler, either Steven Barker or the dog bit Peter on the head.

Steven Barker’s brother, Jason Owen, participated in some of this abuse.

Have you had enough yet?

There’s more.

Of course there is.

Steven Barker compressed Peter’s windpipe, held for a while, and finally let go. He pinched Peter’s fingernails and toenails until they turned black. He pulled out at least one of the baby’s fingernails with pliers. He cut off at least one of the baby’s fingertips with a knife. One of Peter’s ears was partially torn off. Social Services, meanwhile, kept watching.

Steven Barker broke several of Peter’s ribs.

Then he broke Peter’s back.

It takes a lot of force to break a back. A lot. Force equivalent to a car accident, or a fall from a very high place.

Read that again: Steven Barker broke Peter’s back.

Let it sink in.

This happened near the end, and Peter did not walk unaided again. When asked whether she ever realized that her son was partially paralyzed, Tracey Connelly said that she hadn’t noticed. Nope, she did not notice. He lay down just fine in his bed, she said, and he sat just fine where she put him.

By this time, Peter’s hair had been shaved off. This was because of the scabs on his head. And the lice.

Social Services watched and watched. Tracey Connelly was smearing her son’s face with chocolate now, to hide the bruises. I’m sure she thought this was very clever.

Peter went to the hospital. He went there with a broken back and eight broken ribs. But he was cranky. How could the doctor examine such a cranky child? She could not! She sent him home.

At home Peter was cranky. He lay alone in his crib. He cried and he cried.

Peter was seventeen months old. Have you seen a child this age sobbing? The pouty lips, the little gasps, the tears? In an adult, the normal response to this is compassion. The urge to give comfort – that is the normal response.

That was not Steven Barker’s response.

He went into Peter’s room and closed the door. Then he punched Peter in the face. Punched him so hard, in fact, that he removed skin from the baby’s lips and tongue and knocked out a tooth. Peter went quiet.

It was 11:30 on the following morning before Tracey Connelly called for an ambulance. By then Peter’s body was cold and blue, dead already for several hours.

That was August 3, 2007. Only four days after the last visit from Social Services.

"So.. How can a harmless innocent baby fight back for it's rights?" :(

I dont know the reason for such crime. It was horrible. i guess for peter EXISTENCE means neglect. abuse. and crime

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Jimson just can't do it

I feel sorry for Patrick because he was pretending so hard but then Jimson had to ruin it and IF they get evicted this Saturday or whenever I really want Jimson and Kath to get evicted. I know that it's so hard cause they are couple but

Jimson: mamaya nalang tayo mag usap

Patrick: [picking up the roses they used for their anniversary prank]

Jimson: [leaving Patrick behind.]

Patrick: [whispers to himself] pakain ko sayo to eh!

but whatever happens i salute! grabe. :) GO PATRICK and jimson and kath. whatever

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You Did'nt :)

TO: this guy who's been acting like a bitch.. and won't stop shitting his ass about his past. now

you've got your new girl.. you're telling me you shouldve let me go A-S-A-P. just so id get hurt and tell my self i was wrong and you were right? OH PLEASE


WE NEVER HELD OUR HANDS. neither did I try to >:)

yup im sorry man/dude/ or shodi.. but it's just not my fault you fell under your own pit. I already

told you that you will fall. but no i didn't push you! you slipped :P

so now you thought that you could beat me.. but i got an "I LOVE ___?" written on the back of my hand

I'M REALLY SORRY MATE. though it doesn't mean i want your words back. they sound so sweet to be honest but i didn't ask for them. so yeah
goodluck though!

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Angry cash register girl

this girl in the cash register is so annoying lol

that explains why no one likes her really XD

*ding ding*

hawa ang dile mag duwa beh walay pwede mag stand by pangusiun gyud tamo

bullshit :D

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"Valentines Day" Starring EVERYONE

okay party pooping time people! >:O

T and T tandem! now on and no im not
talking about taylor dooley and taylor
lautner tandem [shark boy and lava girl]
im talking about
Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift tandem! :O


yes and yes and yes and yes yes yes
i said it okay?!?!?!
the two hollywood hotties kissing
on set for their new movie called "VALENTINES DAY"
the movie is said to be released on February 14 2010

This movie has (take a deep breath with me)
Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx, Bradley Cooper,
Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Emma Roberts, Jennifer Garner,
Eric Dane,Patrick Dempsey, Topher Grace,
Shirley Maclaine, Ashton Kutcher, Taylor Lautner, and Taylor Swift.
Did I miss anyone? Probably!!!!

to be honest im not actually excited about
the TT tandem lol
the only great thing about this movie is
that huge stars are there

one thing! lol this movie isnt just about taylor
swift and taylor lautner neither is this movie theirs :D
i dont really like taylor lautner that much but i still like him a little bit

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--> WHAT the BUTT <--- [spot the difference]

--------spot the difference /stop hte direffence -----------

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saturday part 3 same faces space space space snap snap

oh my oh my oh my
pbb night with mom and sister again
wow wow wow wow wow!!
new housemates lol!
cathy =) charming nurse! :D :D
johan! :)) handsome XD
steve woohoo 33!?!?!? dad of steel of cdo my mom was like "oy gwapo"
hermes - amboy ng pampanga sis: " ew his hair" mom: "oy dile gwapo"
riza mae!!!!!! LOL Melay and her = BAAANG! :D
oh my god ROB :D half pinoy half austrian lol SHIIIITTT!!! HANDSOME!!! so so so so gorgeous my mom and sister XD they were like "ay pangiittt, [rob turns around] oh my dile! ka gwapo taka taka man mo he's so handsome XD
sa guys... handsome sina TOM, PAUL JAKE, ROB, STEVE and JOHAN
i hate my sister i dont know i just do lol

math goddess = rica lol
gay but hey! i like gays! especially when they are jolly and not too racist! lol

when it comes to math guys really take the lead no doubt :P

my mom likes patrick she says

its weird, she doesnt really watch PBB lol

no manangs so my mom has to iron our clothes oh goodness thank God it's saturday today and not sunday! i hate sunday! well, not because theres church i hate cause the day after it is monday which is beginning of school week im tired of school same faces same faces i see everyday -.\\ and im not emo! emo people are like ewwwww

my sis is so stupid changing the channels etc [gossip girl] abs-cbn [pbb] ugh same thing same thing shes soooo BLAAAHHH =P

piece of advice to those who are in a relationship, long distance or whatever


someone said he prayed to st. jude blah blah oh my God saint jude??!?!?/!/1 0____o
you shouldve prayed to God! 0:-) without him you are nothing

and i know this boy who doesnt believe in God and every time i talk about God he is like "ugh my temper noooo!!!" he is weird

NO BOYFRIEND SINCE BIRTH - NBSB :| not me! :)) just kidding XD

im gonna drink my nightly milk later well its not black! lol its white i called it nightly cause i drink milk everynight

october october october

i always hear the word "spooky" or "spook"

i guess it symbolizes halloween!

too bad theres no trick o' treating here in butuan

dad said butuan is not a rich city and our business is failing here and told us its better to live in davao psshht :( there is a plan of moving NOOO!!! ill miss butuan and my friends :'( im not sure yet if that will happen really but i hopy hes gonna change his mind

my brother is still awake ugh he's readng his books all about animals and stuff im so pissed he reads everything OUTLOUD! oh am i deaaafff???!?!?!? >:(

i called my dad awhile ago and told him to get home soon or else lol

i wrapped the weird looking ball with the GSP bandana lol

TOM tom tom tom tom tom tom tom rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob paul jake paul jake paul jake

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yesterday i was watching pinoy big brother with my sis and mom
i hate big brother for givin toffi and toffifi [kenny] a very hard task and can do big risk [force eviction] when not accomplished.
they were like going in circles changin clothes back to back! and poor JM toffi and toffifi lol
and the worst is they really, were evicted :( now the big brother house is too plain without them! :D but you never know when melay strikes to right ? :D
oh yeah Tom is gorgeouusssss =P~

guess what i ate this evening??!?!? :(( DRIED FISH! i had to eat dried fish! i dont know how to cook hotdog tocino or beefloaf lol mom dad manang ate kuya left the house! my little brother and i were kinda pissed while eating dried fish lol you know whats the worst part of this dayy?????!!!!


my little brother's birthday is comin up! woop! october 15 hail yeah!

so when my mom got home she brought this weird lookin ball with her.. its black. with little star fishes stuck to it lol its a mystery so ive been lookin at it for hours now maybe theres something in it like what i usually see in movies! lol XD


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satuuurday! :D



check check check check check on it :D!!

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Pwitty Wittle Miley Cyrus

woot woot i saw it on facebook! shes so adooorable look at her :D
theres always gonna be another mountain hahaha
props to miley for being so cute!
oh yeah too bad i wasnt able to watch hannah montana the movie i really wanna see it but it aint showin no more here in butuan :(
hopefully i can buy a dvd on cagayan de oro! :D cute wittle miley on flickr! :DDDDDDDDD LOL

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i hate it! theres too much expensive stuff on farmvilleeeeeeeeee

my computer is so slow i hate it i wanna break it oh yeah i was watching a shinee video i think its... oh look a butterfly!!!

our mother rabbit gave birth to 5 baby rabbits but 2 of it died :( poor poor wubbit three days after that 2 of the adult rabbits dieddd :((( weird death cycle lol!

im going to the mall with my mom today!... hope she gets home soon before the sun sets i hate going to the mall at night its too boring not much people at all!

hoping to get a time traveler's wife book next week! :)
rachel mcadams! woot woot!

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intrams intrams intrams i dont know what that is theyve been talkin about it for a day
is about sports and other stuff?
weird weird weird weird friends talkin about something they cant explain

check out "my happy ending - male version"
"not anymore - neyo"
"irresistable - neyo" yeah neyo actually its not him who sang it it was lee carr but i guess people
get jumbled up when it comes to their voices

i woke up at 11 my mom went to the bank sayin shell be back in 2 hours my brothers and sister went to school and no manangs at home! yeah fuck. i went to the kitchen and see if theres soemthing i can consume sadly there aint! :( i got hungry so i just opened the pc and post blogs!
follow me on twitter! you twits! :) kezroa :D
facebook! kez roa find me find me!

VAHAN MAMIGONIAN! :D look it up websters! internet people! peeps! pipol! :D

so whos our miss intrams ? :-?
what is intrams anyway lol i know its intramurals but what do they do about it

are we still on with our sine sine sine sine sine sine sine sine sine sine sine sine sine sine sine sine this saturday which is tomorrow! :D yayyyyyyyyyyy

Im watching happy feeeeet! :D
i remember playin happy feet on our hallway wayback in gradeschool! awww i miss those days :'( lol!

what are we goin to watch? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? / ?? ? ?/ / / // goodneesssss im booorrreeeeddd :D

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